
Don’t let this be another Occupy Wallstreet

Who else remembers 2011? The sun was shining. No one cared about Trump. Bankers were inconvenienced. Occupy Wallstreet started and the younger generation felt like they had a voice. Unfortunately, OWS couldn't keep it's message, or even it's goal, straight and fizzled out. We need central leadership on protests to organize and keep protests on message. Organization gives movements legitimacy and power. If you can't even keep your message straight it will be lost. That's what these idiots in the SCOTUS want you to do. They want the protests to fizzle out and for there to be no central movement. We need campaigns of people calling, writing, emailing Congress. Especially in red states. We need daily protests in all major cities. And most of all we need people who can keep protests on message who will keep them from devolving into free-for-alls like OWS did. If we are organized the…

Who else remembers 2011? The sun was shining. No one cared about Trump. Bankers were inconvenienced. Occupy Wallstreet started and the younger generation felt like they had a voice. Unfortunately, OWS couldn't keep it's message, or even it's goal, straight and fizzled out. We need central leadership on protests to organize and keep protests on message. Organization gives movements legitimacy and power. If you can't even keep your message straight it will be lost. That's what these idiots in the SCOTUS want you to do. They want the protests to fizzle out and for there to be no central movement. We need campaigns of people calling, writing, emailing Congress. Especially in red states. We need daily protests in all major cities. And most of all we need people who can keep protests on message who will keep them from devolving into free-for-alls like OWS did. If we are organized the movement will grow. If we aren't we will fizzle. Don't let this fizzle out.

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