Take steps, form your own group of like-minded people and get on it asap!
6-22 version:
*It is legal to picket politicians homes!
*Shut down every Stock Market company and watch Wall Street tank. Here's a short list, find other lists: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/30-largest-companies-stock-market-150000142.html
*Shut down every major Republican company. They're behind every anti-Women, anti-POC and anti-LGBTQIA hate group. They would pay zero minimum wage, and kill all our safety nets!
A list of many Conservative companies: https://act.boldprogressives.org/whipcount/drain-the-traitors/
*Any Democrat company causing problems, shut them down too!
Corporations of rental properties that hike the rent should be shut down as well!
Renters can go through their local City 'Code Enforcement Manual' online and report for every possible violation. This will ensure that owners keep up their properties to perfection. The owner will be fined insane costs and be forced to fix every single thing! Anything illegal should also be reported to the Press and Government, as it keeps Code Enforcement honest and may help with follow up cases and lawsuits against property owners. Its also illegal for property owners to harass a tenant for reporting them, you can sue for that too!
A useful site to find info on companies: https://www.opensecrets.org/research-tools
Other ways to shut down shitty companies:
Force them to Unionize. Support Unions & help them Picket.
Money is what its all about, so Sue the company for everything possible.
Leak their secrets. Publish all Bigoted, Racist & Sexist things the company has done.
Get the company kicked out of cities, states, entire nations.
Create global boycotts against the company.
Cause the company's stocks to tank.
Picket the CEO's & Board Member's HOMES.
Wipe out all the assets and companies the Owner's family have.
Stockholders in the company can force votes to make the company more sane.
Expose horrible company practices.
Leak the Board's personal contact info with the world.
Call the Health Dept and Government for all their illegal practices.
Sow chaos from the inside.
Convince everyone to stop working there.
Get company Board members kicked out of their wealthy organizations and venues such as restaurants, golf clubs, theaters, etc. Picketing those places helps! (We've seen that the 1% freaks out when it gets personal for them.)
Companies require outside services to function. Convince their vendors to end contracts with them, expose vendors as collaborators. Target these suppliers: *Bathroom *Boxes *Break Room *Cleaners *Collections *Computers *Crafting Materials *Employee services *Financial *Fire safety *Food & Beverage *Insurance *ISP, Wireless & Cloud *IT services *Kitchen *Law Firms *Mailing *Marketing *Office & Paper *Package Delivery *Payment processing *Power & Water *Publishing *Tech equipment *Vehicles & Repair *Vending machines
(Please add to this list and make it grow with new and better ideas! Keep up the good work and amplify the pressure!)