
Don’t play by your company rules, because neither do they

I work for a large publicly traded financial institution. When I joined they noticed I have an LLC and I was told that it’s against company policy to work on side hustles. I told them “ya for sure, my company is for when I take on contracts between FT jobs so no problem ” even tho fuck them I still have clients I do work for. Fast forward to 8 months on the job, I find out through doing a vendor review (I work in Compliance) that one of our key vendors who was found guilty of fraud, the owner is a friend of the previous President. Nothing too shocking her, just the usual corruption of bringing in your buddy for a lucrative contract. We dig a little deeper and find out that our President is a Director of the LLC doing the work. Which I’m sure goes against company…

I work for a large publicly traded financial institution. When I joined they noticed I have an LLC and I was told that it’s against company policy to work on side hustles. I told them “ya for sure, my company is for when I take on contracts between FT jobs so no problem ” even tho fuck them I still have clients I do work for.

Fast forward to 8 months on the job, I find out through doing a vendor review (I work in Compliance) that one of our key vendors who was found guilty of fraud, the owner is a friend of the previous President. Nothing too shocking her, just the usual corruption of bringing in your buddy for a lucrative contract.

We dig a little deeper and find out that our President is a Director of the LLC doing the work. Which I’m sure goes against company policy.

This vendor was charged with fraud in 2009 and our President retired in 2015, still a Director in the LLC.

Moral of the story:

Don’t play by their rules, because they don’t either.


Was told by my company that I couldn’t do work on the side then find out that our President is a Director for a vendor of ours who was convicted of fraud. We still do business with them.

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