
don’t see how yall do minimum wage

Recently left a dental assisting job i had been working for 3 years back in January due to unforeseen circumstances. I plan on getting a career in the USPS but until then, I've been taking odd jobs here and there to stay a float and I got to say…I don't know how you guys do it. The shit is so monotonus and back breaking, not a day goes by when im not sore. But the main gripe i have is I'm getting paid way LESS just to end up doing MORE . Not gonna lie, I'm tired bro.

Recently left a dental assisting job i had been working for 3 years back in January due to unforeseen circumstances. I plan on getting a career in the USPS but until then, I've been taking odd jobs here and there to stay a float and I got to say…I don't know how you guys do it. The shit is so monotonus and back breaking, not a day goes by when im not sore. But the main gripe i have is I'm getting paid way LESS just to end up doing MORE . Not gonna lie, I'm tired bro.

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