
Don’t tell me to make sure my area is done because you have no substitutes coming in…

Because the point of you, the supervisor, is to be hiring substitutes! What kind of message is it saying when you're telling me, a full time employee, to make sure I get my area done when it's out of my control on who I can and can't hire for substitutes? You don't even HAVE substitutes, that's your problem! You spend more time whining in the break room about how you have had to work 12 hour shifts than you are trying to get more people to help relieve full timers when they take off. And I see it now, whenever I take off and come back, my area is still a mess. Why? Because you didn't assign any substitutes to do my area since you don't have any. A co-worker has been having to come in even though his knee is still blown, simply because you can't hire more substitutes…

Because the point of you, the supervisor, is to be hiring substitutes! What kind of message is it saying when you're telling me, a full time employee, to make sure I get my area done when it's out of my control on who I can and can't hire for substitutes?

You don't even HAVE substitutes, that's your problem! You spend more time whining in the break room about how you have had to work 12 hour shifts than you are trying to get more people to help relieve full timers when they take off. And I see it now, whenever I take off and come back, my area is still a mess. Why? Because you didn't assign any substitutes to do my area since you don't have any.

A co-worker has been having to come in even though his knee is still blown, simply because you can't hire more substitutes to cover for him so he can heal.

What the fuck is your plan here? Make everyone suffer for your incompetence? You can only blame the supervisory union for so long, until it all boils down to you not being able to properly manage your whole crew and get a relief team of substitutes in to be able to help out.

Instead, the substitutes you have had been bringing in the past, were already overworked to begin with that couldn't fucking spare a few hours. They only came in to “make a little extra money” and that's it. That's NOT the kind of people we need right now in our team. We need able bodied workers, preferably someone who's looking to have their first job, give them a chance, instead of people just taking up space just because they can.

So fucking done with this sinking ship soon.

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