
Dont want to give me a contract thats fine it’ll come back to bite you

So i started working at a store in november of last year the first month i started there was no promise of a contract first big mistake but i was desperate we didnt even talk compensation second big mistake. At the end of the first month i go to get paid cash and i obviously thought it would be min wag 705 a month so i reiterated this when she started doing the sumations of how many days i worked and then she drops the bomb of this month ill pay min wage next month its 25 a day. I didnt agree but she didnt care. Third big mistake. I should have stood up for myself and left then and there, but i was afraid to lose my only job so i obliged. In december she offered me a contract but never followed through with drawing it up or bringing…

So i started working at a store in november of last year the first month i started there was no promise of a contract first big mistake but i was desperate we didnt even talk compensation second big mistake.
At the end of the first month i go to get paid cash and i obviously thought it would be min wag 705 a month so i reiterated this when she started doing the sumations of how many days i worked and then she drops the bomb of this month ill pay min wage next month its 25 a day. I didnt agree but she didnt care. Third big mistake. I should have stood up for myself and left then and there, but i was afraid to lose my only job so i obliged.
In december she offered me a contract but never followed through with drawing it up or bringing it up again. Meanwhile im in fear because im a heavy set girl and im a hard worker but for people to take a chance on me is hard because many people discriminate against larger people. So i was grateful she did.
In this time i had to really show my worth creating new stock system for the store many handwritten papers with rules promotions and bathroom signs i made new more professional looking signs throughout the store by computer and printed them at home to show her i was serious about keeping this job. I worked hard gave a complete makeover to the store alot of it was messy and unorganized.
In may i had to stop for a week i gave notice because i was in a custody battle and had a whole week of court proceedings to go through along with the grief of maybe having to take in two kids i wasnt in the right head space i needed time to assimilate what was happening. The sunday after the week from hell i call her and i tell her its over and that i can return to work on that monday. She said she hired someone else i was heartbroken and undoubtedly sounded desperate on the phone i told her to please call me if she has anything for me to do cleaning working at the store anything. I quickly got over it and now i have rage i see red.
She still owed me some money so i go to pick it up and say how i don't think what she did was right, dangling a contract like a carrot and then not following through after everything i did to improve the store and then she hires someone behind my back.
Well i didn't go well with the new employee because nobody wants to work for 25 a day and he leaves.
She calls me and i dodge her calls because i lost interest and was hurt. Meanwhile i had started job hunting agressively sending multiple cvs a day and going to job interwiews left and right.
Until yesterday i got a job interview that was basically just a formality i was most likely garanteed a job. Through friends and given the deseperation of my new boss to find someone who is able to work 3pm to 11pm young girls many have kids and this shift is not popular. I on the other hand no longer do and have all the time in the world and this shift is actually good for me because i like being a night owl.
Right before i go on this interview i get a call from Ex boss i answer and she says she has a contract waiting for me to sign. I say thankyou but i have a job interview to go to and im just leaving all the while knowing that this is pretty much a done deal.
As anticipated i was offered a job on the spot not the best conditions but way better than last job. I was offered a contract immediately I happily accepted and i start tomorrow.
I then went to my the store to tell ex boss in person that i have a new job and i start tomorrow. Her face dropped. She looked pist. I thank her for the opportunity and for taking a chance on me but i couldnt be without work and needed to start immediately. I told her that it wasnt professional to only follow through with a contract at the last minute when she thought she was gonna lose me. The kicker she wanted me to give two weeks notice before i left and she had already fired me. LOL. I said excuse me you gave me no such notice, no where had i i signed anywhere because of her that i had any obligation to give any notice.
I start tomorrow wish me luck

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