
Don’t want to pay fair wages? Just lie about the job entirely!

So I'm an artist and thought working for a haunted house would be pretty cool. Thought this job maybe involved painting scenes or designing or maintaining light systems, a real creative opportunity. NOPE. They wanted laborers. 4 days a week 12 hour shifts in buildings with no A/C or heating, building set pieces that are so intricate and realistic they might as well actually be the Baker's house in Resident Evil 7. Building a dock, pouring cement, wiring electricity and installing light fixtures. The guy interviewing me literally told me he was trying to scare me (small woman) off. In the off season they fix toilets and install Christmas lights on city buildings. $15-$20 an hour depending on experience. The second image (TOTALLY unrelated) is of our counties' union wages.

So I'm an artist and thought working for a haunted house would be pretty cool. Thought this job maybe involved painting scenes or designing or maintaining light systems, a real creative opportunity. NOPE. They wanted laborers. 4 days a week 12 hour shifts in buildings with no A/C or heating, building set pieces that are so intricate and realistic they might as well actually be the Baker's house in Resident Evil 7. Building a dock, pouring cement, wiring electricity and installing light fixtures. The guy interviewing me literally told me he was trying to scare me (small woman) off. In the off season they fix toilets and install Christmas lights on city buildings. $15-$20 an hour depending on experience. The second image (TOTALLY unrelated) is of our counties' union wages.

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