
Don’t work for free

So I’m taking leave in a few weeks for almost a month, temp boss tells me today one of my team can step in since they won’t backfill my position for only three weeks. I tell him yeah don’t expect they’ll want to since they haven’t applied to fill in and are on the back fill list and it’s not their job. Then I get off that call and tell next in line about it. I fully support that they’ll ghost temp boss while I’m off. They already have their job to do, they aren’t going to be paid to do mine so why on earth would they do my job too? It’s called working for free, it’s not an opportunity. I think I’ll put bosses contact details in my out of office for the duration of my leave, since he thinks working for free is fine, then he can…

So I’m taking leave in a few weeks for almost a month, temp boss tells me today one of my team can step in since they won’t backfill my position for only three weeks. I tell him yeah don’t expect they’ll want to since they haven’t applied to fill in and are on the back fill list and it’s not their job. Then I get off that call and tell next in line about it. I fully support that they’ll ghost temp boss while I’m off. They already have their job to do, they aren’t going to be paid to do mine so why on earth would they do my job too? It’s called working for free, it’s not an opportunity. I think I’ll put bosses contact details in my out of office for the duration of my leave, since he thinks working for free is fine, then he can do it. Don’t get screwed over folks.

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