
Don’t work in reality television production

I’m now on week 4 with no days off, being bother with texting/emails at all hours of the day and night; having to deal with the dumbest sh**, missing out on family outings, holidays and sleep. I eat like shit, I drink too much coffee and smoke way too many cigarettes! Stay out of reality television production! You’ve been warned! Week 4 averaging about 5 hours a night! Fuck I hate this job! Shit pay, shit hours, useless producers who need to be babied becaue they think the garbage they produce is beneficial to the world, it’s not, it’s all garbage!

I’m now on week 4 with no days off, being bother with texting/emails at all hours of the day and night; having to deal with the dumbest sh**, missing out on family outings, holidays and sleep. I eat like shit, I drink too much coffee and smoke way too many cigarettes! Stay out of reality television production! You’ve been warned! Week 4 averaging about 5 hours a night! Fuck I hate this job! Shit pay, shit hours, useless producers who need to be babied becaue they think the garbage they produce is beneficial to the world, it’s not, it’s all garbage!

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