
Double-deductions for getting sick. I’m out of here.

I got a notice from my manager this morning that stated I was not eligible for holiday pay for Memorial Day, because I called out sick the day after (I had food poisoning). My PTO is a joke, and is already used up for the year, so the time I was off sick was already unpaid. Apparently as penance, I’m also ineligible for holiday pay that week, so my check will be two days short instead of one. My manager says this is fairly common in the US, but I’ve never heard of a rule like this. It’s in our handbook, so there’s likely no fighting it. So instead, I’ll be giving my notice. I don’t work for free. And holiday pay is part of my pay package. Is this a thing anywhere else? Any advice on how to better handle this?

I got a notice from my manager this morning that stated I was not eligible for holiday pay for Memorial Day, because I called out sick the day after (I had food poisoning).

My PTO is a joke, and is already used up for the year, so the time I was off sick was already unpaid.

Apparently as penance, I’m also ineligible for holiday pay that week, so my check will be two days short instead of one.

My manager says this is fairly common in the US, but I’ve never heard of a rule like this. It’s in our handbook, so there’s likely no fighting it. So instead, I’ll be giving my notice. I don’t work for free. And holiday pay is part of my pay package.

Is this a thing anywhere else? Any advice on how to better handle this?

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