
Double standard because I am a good worker.

I was off for a week and when I came back, my internet went down for the whole day. Because I couldn't “come in” (I work from home), I am having to make up my hours. I've been working my tail off and I am, naturally, a very fast worker while being super detailed. Every time I would catch up assignments in Sharepoint, they'd add 10-15 more, over and over. Now, the other girl that does my job as well has been sitting at 8 for dayyyys and they haven't added any more assignments to her. So, what I have learned? It doesn't pay to work hard. They will just overburden you because they don't give a fuck. And, when I started this job, they were down a bit of people, like crucially down. So like 5-6 of us were hired within weeks of each other. I pick up on…

I was off for a week and when I came back, my internet went down for the whole day. Because I couldn't “come in” (I work from home), I am having to make up my hours. I've been working my tail off and I am, naturally, a very fast worker while being super detailed. Every time I would catch up assignments in Sharepoint, they'd add 10-15 more, over and over. Now, the other girl that does my job as well has been sitting at 8 for dayyyys and they haven't added any more assignments to her. So, what I have learned? It doesn't pay to work hard. They will just overburden you because they don't give a fuck.

And, when I started this job, they were down a bit of people, like crucially down. So like 5-6 of us were hired within weeks of each other. I pick up on things really fast so because they know this now, they (literally, I've told them I need some time to figure out the other things they have me doing. I am talking another week, not months, and they've told me no) “force” me through “training” (reading Powerpoints, not actual training and then leave me to figure it out) when the girl that started 6 months before me isn't doing the work they have me training to do. And the other new people that started a week or two after me are being coddled and not forced into anything. They are “sharing” the duties (actually taking an hour a day which is not the times the work comes in) I've been doing for 6 months and I still have to do it when those 3 newbies (not been there much less than me) aren't taking their hour.

I brought up the double standard and my boss says, “different time, different situation.” Fuck my life. I need out of here. Do you hear the resentment?

Lesson learned: work your wage and nothing more.

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