
Doubly fucked

I feel doubly fucked. I'm forced to do shit I hate in order to survive, but unlike my parents, I'm not even going to get any material shit out of the work: no house, no good health insurance, no pension, no savings for my kids higher ed, no nothing. Same effort and hours and waste of my life doing shitty work like my parents without getting what they got. At least my parents were like “fuck this job but at least we got this house, 2 cars, pension, and health insurance” while I'm like “fuck this work but at least I got……student debt, medical bills, fucked up public transportation, and 4 roommates.” Their employer was like “thanks for coming in and doing shitty work to make me rich, here is enough money to have a comfortable (but not too comfortable) life outside of the 40 hours a week you set…

I feel doubly fucked. I'm forced to do shit I hate in order to survive, but unlike my parents, I'm not even going to get any material shit out of the work: no house, no good health insurance, no pension, no savings for my kids higher ed, no nothing. Same effort and hours and waste of my life doing shitty work like my parents without getting what they got.

At least my parents were like “fuck this job but at least we got this house, 2 cars, pension, and health insurance” while I'm like “fuck this work but at least I got……student debt, medical bills, fucked up public transportation, and 4 roommates.”

Their employer was like “thanks for coming in and doing shitty work to make me rich, here is enough money to have a comfortable (but not too comfortable) life outside of the 40 hours a week you set aside your freedom and dignity, go and save a little so you can feel like you might, one day have a bit a wealth”.

NOW it's like “you better come in to work asshole and make me rich, your lucky I give you pennies so you can buy highly processed garbage food bc you don't have time to cook, and don't forget you have an at-will contract so if you have to work 50-60 hours a week to finish the shitty admin work I demand of you then so be it, just feel lucky you have a job and don't forget the real reward is working hard and having a good work ethic, like me, but unlike me i'm rich and you're not bc I'm better.”

The biggest fuck is it's my parents generation who are now my (and your) boss. (Works shitty job and gets house cars and retirement, then becomes boss of shitty company and steals house, cars and retirement from the next generation its the boss of “I'll take that thaaaank you”)

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