
Douchebag of a coworker definitely felt called out and doe

I am a male, I have a male coworker who I feel like has some kind of mental health issue that needs to be addressed with a therapist. He's happy-go-lucky one minute and a complete douche the next. And he takes his snarkiness out on me. Usually it's harmless, and I just ignore it, but yesterday he got upset with me over.. a trash bag… See, he always takes the trash from my can out but sort of delays putting a new one in.. After witnessing him off someplace else I just decided to go put a new one in myself and went to grab one. I came back to put it in the can but it ripped some, I didn't think it was a huge deal, I'd just watch it to make sure I didn't overfill it. Well, some more time passed and I decided to just put a…

I am a male, I have a male coworker who I feel like has some kind of mental health issue that needs to be addressed with a therapist. He's happy-go-lucky one minute and a complete douche the next. And he takes his snarkiness out on me. Usually it's harmless, and I just ignore it, but yesterday he got upset with me over.. a trash bag… See, he always takes the trash from my can out but sort of delays putting a new one in.. After witnessing him off someplace else I just decided to go put a new one in myself and went to grab one. I came back to put it in the can but it ripped some, I didn't think it was a huge deal, I'd just watch it to make sure I didn't overfill it. Well, some more time passed and I decided to just put a new one in, went and got another bag, then fluffing it out to open, I hear him call out to me. I stopped what I was doing because I saw he had a new bag so I just backed off.. He definitely got loud and said… something, I don't remember what he said, but people surrounding us fell silent and stared. I was just stunned. Then he goes past me to put a new bag in and mutters something along the lines of ” I don't get paid enough to…” I think he said take out the trash, I didn't catch the last few words, but my response was “Then don't, you don't put a new bag in my can anyway.”

If he has issues he needs to work through, I'm not opposed to that, if he needs help, I support him.. But damn man! After our final work break I went to my team lead to talk, and he informed me that the guy had a talking to, if it happens again, then he'd be disciplined. I told my team lead that this was not the first time, usually I could handle it but that day, he got loud.

Today at work, I remembered that he established boundaries with me, so I established (or tried to) boundaries… The douchebag said something like “I'm treating you how you first treated me” ?? Dude, you're way meaner though? Also, you told me to knock it off and I did?? He said a couple words, something or other, then went some people can't handle it…

Christ, I should've gone to my team lead, he's seriously a piece of shit, I tried giving him the benefit of the doubt, I tried to be patient and nice, because I have my own dark places I'm trying to escape from. we are very close in age, he's like 4 years older than me. Even writing this, I knew I should've done something, but what was there to do?

I'm thinking of transferring to a different department, 2 problems with that. I've been told that he was thinking of transferring, also, you have to be at least 90 days into the job to transfer to a different department and I've only been at tis job since early August.

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