
Dr. Refusing to Write a Letter Limiting Work Hours?

Hello, I have a disability (ASD) and the (mandatory) work hours at my job, which pays well, and is overall not that bad keep increasing. They have forced us to work multiple 60 hour, 7-day weeks this month because they literally cannot keep people. I informed them I have a disability and they wanted a doctors note explaining my limit of a 40-hour work week. The psychiatry office refused to write me a letter to limit my work hours, and gave me the same bullshit information I can easily look up online. I can't just quit/change jobs easily. I live independently with my own apartment and the only reason I'm able to do that is because I work. There is no one else supporting me financially or at home. Im mentally broken from all this extra work on top of having a mental disability. I can push through the day…


I have a disability (ASD) and the (mandatory) work hours at my job, which pays well, and is overall not that bad keep increasing.

They have forced us to work multiple 60 hour, 7-day weeks this month because they literally cannot keep people.

I informed them I have a disability and they wanted a doctors note explaining my limit of a 40-hour work week.

The psychiatry office refused to write me a letter to limit my work hours, and gave me the same bullshit information I can easily look up online.

I can't just quit/change jobs easily. I live independently with my own apartment and the only reason I'm able to do that is because I work. There is no one else supporting me financially or at home.

Im mentally broken from all this extra work on top of having a mental disability. I can push through the day but it is killing me.

Any advice is welcome because I don't know what to do anymore.

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