
Dreading my job

I’ve been in the same field since 2018. I work with kids who migrate to the US alone and are trying to reunify with their families here. When I graduated college, my cousin who worked at a facility got me a job there and I loved it! I slaved away at that job for two years before realizing leadership did not deserve me producing the great work I was doing. And the straight up disrespect from the director and assistant director was demoralizing. Eventually, I loathed my job. Showing up was an absolute mood killer for me, I was commuting an hour out of state for this job. So I left. I found a facility that was looking for remote work and the pay was +$7/hour. It was looking real nice! I was an export at my job, everyone else was hired with no experience & I knew how to…

I’ve been in the same field since 2018. I work with kids who migrate to the US alone and are trying to reunify with their families here.
When I graduated college, my cousin who worked at a facility got me a job there and I loved it! I slaved away at that job for two years before realizing leadership did not deserve me producing the great work I was doing. And the straight up disrespect from the director and assistant director was demoralizing. Eventually, I loathed my job. Showing up was an absolute mood killer for me, I was commuting an hour out of state for this job. So I left. I found a facility that was looking for remote work and the pay was +$7/hour. It was looking real nice! I was an export at my job, everyone else was hired with no experience & I knew how to do this work with an eye closed. After a year I got promoted, but only a few months in to the position the facility had to downsize. We lost 70% of employees and although I wasn’t demoted per say, (I still hold my title) i’m doing the work I was doing before my promotion.
There were a LOT of changes that happened between my promotion and my current standing. I was stretched too thin on my work load and I let too many things fall behind so I volunteered to help a different department sort records. Those two weeks were amazing, no one to report to, work done by noon, living my best life! Now I’m back to working cases, we have a new program manager (old one got promoted to assistant director) and I am no longer a fan of the PM. She sucks at using her technology (this is a remote job) and she’s TOO involved. Which is ass because she never has answers, she always has to get “clarifications” from someone else. She acts like a supervisor, not a program manager, I am tired of hearing her voice. I’m tired of the inconsistency of this facility. i’m tired of this!! Too much “you have to this, you have to that. you have blah blah blah.” I just want to work by myself, I’m so over this place and I don’t know where to go from here.
if you’ve read this far down I thank you. Any words of encouragement or advice is greatly appreciated.

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