
Dream job but feeling exploited

I helped open a small plant shop with my two bosses about 8 months ago. They literally didn’t pay me at first but promised me a stake in the company and a partnership. I quickly realized that would be stupid move on my part financially as I was just coming from being Covid unemployed for 1.5 yrs and broke as a joke. I had to fight to get an employee position at $10. Since then I have been the sole employee managing the shop and keeping upwards of 500 plants alive in a not ideal space for plants. My bosses have no prior plant knowledge so basically rely on me to keep all product alive. I had a weekend vacation planned and to cover my hours they had to hire two new people via Facebook who also have no plant knowledge and made me train them before I left. I…

I helped open a small plant shop with my two bosses about 8 months ago. They literally didn’t pay me at first but promised me a stake in the company and a partnership. I quickly realized that would be stupid move on my part financially as I was just coming from being Covid unemployed for 1.5 yrs and broke as a joke. I had to fight to get an employee position at $10. Since then I have been the sole employee managing the shop and keeping upwards of 500 plants alive in a not ideal space for plants. My bosses have no prior plant knowledge so basically rely on me to keep all product alive. I had a weekend vacation planned and to cover my hours they had to hire two new people via Facebook who also have no plant knowledge and made me train them before I left. I found out they are paying them the same rate as me. I asked if that meant I would have a managerial position and possibly a raise, they said nah and added more work to my schedule. I should put my two weeks in right? I have another job where I make more money and can get more hours but plants are my passion. I feel conflicted. Thanks for listening!

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