
Gossiping Co-Workers

Hey friends, I’m new to the subreddit, so bare with me. So, basically I work in a private medical practice. There’s 8 girls (myself included) in my department. I am the youngest. The others are 28+ years old with families and stuff. So we don’t relate. I’ve tried to talk and be kind and initiate conversations, but recently I’m noticing that there’s some talk going on behind my back. At least from my understanding. A coworker and I got into a little tiff recently (because I wouldn’t do her job) and she told me yesterday, “this is what we’re gossiping about. I’m just telling you the truth.” That said, I’m sensing a lot of hypocrisy due to that if I don’t do portions of their jobs (cause they’re too busy talking) then its worth chatting about. But it’s okay if they don’t pick up anything of my work if I’m…

Hey friends, I’m new to the subreddit, so bare with me.
So, basically I work in a private medical practice. There’s 8 girls (myself included) in my department. I am the youngest. The others are 28+ years old with families and stuff. So we don’t relate. I’ve tried to talk and be kind and initiate conversations, but recently I’m noticing that there’s some talk going on behind my back. At least from my understanding. A coworker and I got into a little tiff recently (because I wouldn’t do her job) and she told me yesterday, “this is what we’re gossiping about. I’m just telling you the truth.” That said, I’m sensing a lot of hypocrisy due to that if I don’t do portions of their jobs (cause they’re too busy talking) then its worth chatting about. But it’s okay if they don’t pick up anything of my work if I’m running behind. I hope that makes sense.
And today, for example, I walked in the room while hush hush tones were going on, but when I entered they stopped. The superiority roles here don’t do anything, either. They listen and either:
a) don’t do anything
b) have a talk with them but more crap talk happens cause I “ran and told on them”
c) tell me to pull them aside and have a conversation, but even when I try they fire back on me. Like you can’t say anything to them they won’t hear it.

I’m just not really sure how to handle this or maybe I’m just looking for some support here since I don’t really get it here. I feel like I’m back in high school again. Thanks, guys

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