
Dream of Buddhist Yidam Saying No To Working

I’ve been Buddhist for over fifteen years and have always tried to work in jobs that were “more necessary” for society to function but I had a dream that really started me from what I’ve been doing. I’ve been working as a shipper/receiver in agro wear products manufacturing. I always thought it wasn’t ideal as it contributes to animal agriculture (a no in Buddhism) but still felt that since plant agriculture was at least essential, I could and should do it. My dream last night has kind of snapped me out of this and has forced me to examine how I’m also responsible for how I react to capitalism. In the dream, lots of disasters were happening. Oceans had collapses and the atmosphere had worn so thin that people were being dragged out into outer-space, right off the planet. We were driving around frantically in a van avoiding some other…

I’ve been Buddhist for over fifteen years and have always tried to work in jobs that were “more necessary” for society to function but I had a dream that really started me from what I’ve been doing.

I’ve been working as a shipper/receiver in agro wear products manufacturing. I always thought it wasn’t ideal as it contributes to animal agriculture (a no in Buddhism) but still felt that since plant agriculture was at least essential, I could and should do it.

My dream last night has kind of snapped me out of this and has forced me to examine how I’m also responsible for how I react to capitalism.

In the dream, lots of disasters were happening. Oceans had collapses and the atmosphere had worn so thin that people were being dragged out into outer-space, right off the planet.

We were driving around frantically in a van avoiding some other natural disaster when a passenger in the van grabbed my face which morphed into this otherworldly visage, strongly impressed upon me that they were my “Yidam” and demanded to know why we humans were running around like this, overworking the planet into extinction.

The impression was very loving like from a caring tutor but was also very harsh and with urgency and I woke up with the strong thought that it would be better to be a bum living off of charity than continue working in non essential jobs.

I’ve thought about it. I do qualify for disability but I really do prefer not to live off of other people so I’m going to go to school to work in healthcare since at least that is essential and since there are more healthcare workers than hours available in the field I’ll have time to protest or something.

I don’t know. I’m joining you guys, this current system is total madness.

It is also a supremely encouraging thought that there are some spiritual forces that care about climate crises’.

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