
Dress codes are obnoxiously petty and draconian

i know this is trite but i'm reading /r/wholefoods and jesus christ it's just so dumb. why why why must they dictate something so fucking meaningless i worked at dominos for a month and the manager was on my ass about wearing black shorts for two weeks. the black shorts i was wearing were apparently dark gray and not okay. we had to wear our hats facing forward, even after close because 'there are cameras'. [amazing.] place was creepy as hell. they want us to look like creepy little catholic choir boys with tacky-ass dominos gear. insane.

i know this is trite but i'm reading /r/wholefoods and jesus christ it's just so dumb. why why why must they dictate something so fucking meaningless

i worked at dominos for a month and the manager was on my ass about wearing black shorts for two weeks. the black shorts i was wearing were apparently dark gray and not okay. we had to wear our hats facing forward, even after close because 'there are cameras'. [amazing.]

place was creepy as hell. they want us to look like creepy little catholic choir boys with tacky-ass dominos gear. insane.

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