
Drove personal truck first 6 months when I was supposed to have company truck/gas card

I just put in my two weeks with this company. When I was hired I was told in the interviews I would be getting a truck and gas card (common for this position) and be dandy. All the other members at this company in the same position all had gas cards and company trucks except me. I was the only one in this position in all of our Texas offices without. Drove my personal truck to and from work (80 miles total) daily while others got to drive company truck. I did not drive to job sites while at work (edit: I did use my truck for work a few times but got immediately reimbursed mileage) I just rode with one of the other guys after I got to the office. Two others in the same position at the same office that I directly worked with drove company trucks but…

I just put in my two weeks with this company. When I was hired I was told in the interviews I would be getting a truck and gas card (common for this position) and be dandy. All the other members at this company in the same position all had gas cards and company trucks except me. I was the only one in this position in all of our Texas offices without. Drove my personal truck to and from work (80 miles total) daily while others got to drive company truck. I did not drive to job sites while at work (edit: I did use my truck for work a few times but got immediately reimbursed mileage) I just rode with one of the other guys after I got to the office. Two others in the same position at the same office that I directly worked with drove company trucks but not me. Told boss it wasn’t right and let him know how I felt and he replied that they can’t justify getting me a truck since they can’t find me a crew. Several other guys in my position weren’t running crews either and still had trucks so it made no sense. Boss texts me and says “we are working on a reoccurring reimbursement for not having truck” so I have that in text. He told me in person that they would give me a spot bonus to reimburse me and have not. Another guy in this position left so they gave me his truck the past two weeks after waiting almost 7 months for a truck. Well other guy left and they didn’t pay him reimbursement for few months of cell phone so I’m worried they’ll do that to me. They would owe me a good chunk and I imagine corp won’t want to pay out if I’m leaving. They didn’t pay my coworkers the nickels and dimes they owed. Any advice?

another edit: once the other guy left and I got his truck, the transmission went out so it went to shop. Told me no rental drive your personal like before but we’ll pay mileage to and from. So they didn’t pay mileage for almost 7 months but will now cause he knows how I feel about it.

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