
Due sick pay that hasn’t been processed for 3 months, am I in the right for feeling like this?

I work as a delivery driver for a supermarket (UK) and the pay is already the worst amongst the competitors. I've stayed there because I enjoy the schedule as its set days every week, but at the end of November and start of December I had 2 weeks off with my mental health. Had doctors notes and gave them to work, read the policy and I should be getting ssp and csp (statutory sick pay and company sick pay) which should be my full amount of pay. Just got paid today and it still has not been done, after countless conversations with managers and them telling me different excuses and that the system had been down, I assumed this month was finally when I would be paid as I gave them everything they asked for. I suffer with anxiety so ringing up and complaining is terrifying to me, but this…

I work as a delivery driver for a supermarket (UK) and the pay is already the worst amongst the competitors. I've stayed there because I enjoy the schedule as its set days every week, but at the end of November and start of December I had 2 weeks off with my mental health. Had doctors notes and gave them to work, read the policy and I should be getting ssp and csp (statutory sick pay and company sick pay) which should be my full amount of pay. Just got paid today and it still has not been done, after countless conversations with managers and them telling me different excuses and that the system had been down,
I assumed this month was finally when I would be paid as I gave them everything they asked for. I suffer with anxiety so ringing up and complaining is terrifying to me, but this situation has got me so worked up because Im due half my wages and I just keep getting told different things. I'm tempted to refuse to work until its been sorted, but I have 2 kids to provide for and I don't want to mess us up with money or lose my job. I could get another job quite easily but the other stores usually offer very little hours. But I feel like an absolute idiot if I just keep working after being made a fool. What would you guys do?

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