
Dump the entire company on me, and I’ll just drop it

I work for a small Canadian company. I’m a highly skilled niche worker. When I began, I made it clear that I wanted to complete the field work, and had no interest in running the office or sales. The owner said that was fine and I shouldn’t have to take work home with me. Over the next 5 months he fired his office worker, and his estimator and dumped the company phone and e-mail on me. I shouldered it because I had to keep my family afloat and he’s paying me more than the local standard. I told him the other day that I was done with the phone and e-mail and that it’s time to get back to our original agreement, which he took with some passive aggressive remarks. I hear from my coworker that the owner was talking about how I’m not trying as hard as when I…

I work for a small Canadian company. I’m a highly skilled niche worker.

When I began, I made it clear that I wanted to complete the field work, and had no interest in running the office or sales. The owner said that was fine and I shouldn’t have to take work home with me.

Over the next 5 months he fired his office worker, and his estimator and dumped the company phone and e-mail on me. I shouldered it because I had to keep my family afloat and he’s paying me more than the local standard.

I told him the other day that I was done with the phone and e-mail and that it’s time to get back to our original agreement, which he took with some passive aggressive remarks.

I hear from my coworker that the owner was talking about how I’m not trying as hard as when I began, and that he isn’t sure he wants to keep me around if my performance keeps declining.

How fucking ridiculous. I ran this guys company for him for 5 months while he went moose hunting or whatever, and did the things I explicitly said I didn’t want on my plate. And now that I’m returning those responsibilities, it’s seen as declining performance.

Jokes on him, I can find a job anywhere and I’ll just leave.

Anyways, I have an equivalent pay, 5K sign on bonus offer from a previous employer in the states that things were great with. So I’m giving him my 1 week notice here at the end of April and he won’t have anybody that can do my job.

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