
During a meeting, my managers both said “just because you earn vacation and sick hours doesn’t mean you have to use it”

Why is American work culture like this? I will never understand in my 31 years of living why it's so shameful to ask for time off or use the hours that you earned. My bosses constantly criticize employees for being “earners and burners” meaning as soon as they get available vacation time they want to use it right away. I have 30 more years to be able to even entertain the idea of retirement, and that's if I don't die before then. My kids are toddlers/preteen age and I will not miss out on their childhood because my bosses are older Gen X who are appalled that people would dare take a vacation or just want to be off work. When I heard this during their meeting I felt so much anger building up inside me. They are a lost cause who will never understand. I hate this American work…

Why is American work culture like this? I will never understand in my 31 years of living why it's so shameful to ask for time off or use the hours that you earned. My bosses constantly criticize employees for being “earners and burners” meaning as soon as they get available vacation time they want to use it right away.

I have 30 more years to be able to even entertain the idea of retirement, and that's if I don't die before then. My kids are toddlers/preteen age and I will not miss out on their childhood because my bosses are older Gen X who are appalled that people would dare take a vacation or just want to be off work.

When I heard this during their meeting I felt so much anger building up inside me. They are a lost cause who will never understand. I hate this American work ethic and this constant contradiction that we need to take care of ourselves and our health but to absolutely not ask for any time off. It is probably why America has heart disease, cancer, and obesity as some of the top leading causes of death because when do people actually have time to exercise, leisure, and cook healthy meals?

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