
“Easiest” way to turn down huge work conference

In November, my company is hosting a huge work conference of about 350 employees from all over the country to have a 2 day conference in the headquarter city on the east coast. Luckily, in the invite, it says attendance is encouraged by not required. And if we’re planning on not going, to let them know as far in advance as possible. I absolutely do not want to go and trying to think of the “safest” way to decline lol. I was thinking of citing COVID concerns (legitimate) but who knows the state of COVID in 5 months. I was thinking of saying I had travel plans already, but then I’ll have to take PTO to make it look legit (NBD). I know I’m over thinking this but want to get finalized before my boss asks if I’m going lol In your experience, what’s the best way to decline something…

In November, my company is hosting a huge work conference of about 350 employees from all over the country to have a 2 day conference in the headquarter city on the east coast.

Luckily, in the invite, it says attendance is encouraged by not required. And if we’re planning on not going, to let them know as far in advance as possible.

I absolutely do not want to go and trying to think of the “safest” way to decline lol.

I was thinking of citing COVID concerns (legitimate) but who knows the state of COVID in 5 months. I was thinking of saying I had travel plans already, but then I’ll have to take PTO to make it look legit (NBD).

I know I’m over thinking this but want to get finalized before my boss asks if I’m going lol

In your experience, what’s the best way to decline something like this that likely won’t come off as suspicious/further asking about the reason?

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