
Eavesdropping on an interview right now…

Interviewer “So occasionally we will not be able to provide full time, can you survive on that?” Interviewee “Yes, I can” Interviewer “Ok so you can go weeks without full-time work?” Interviewee (more hesitant) “Yes” Interviewer “Great great, and you are ok washing dishes? Are you doing that now?” Interviewee “Umm not right now but I could get back into it” Interviewer “Great great, and you are ok working weekends? All my employees want weekends off now” Interviewee “Um ok” And on it goes. Now the guy is trying to make this kid act like he is going to be a lifer in this mid-range hotel lounge bar coffee shop. This guy is going to make minimum wage and they dick him around like this? What a fucking world. At least they are transparent about it. Make my cost $2 more and give the kid some certainty for gods sake.

Interviewer “So occasionally we will not be able to provide full time, can you survive on that?”

Interviewee “Yes, I can”

Interviewer “Ok so you can go weeks without full-time work?”

Interviewee (more hesitant) “Yes”

Interviewer “Great great, and you are ok washing dishes? Are you doing that now?”

Interviewee “Umm not right now but I could get back into it”

Interviewer “Great great, and you are ok working weekends? All my employees want weekends off now”

Interviewee “Um ok”

And on it goes. Now the guy is trying to make this kid act like he is going to be a lifer in this mid-range hotel lounge bar coffee shop.

This guy is going to make minimum wage and they dick him around like this? What a fucking world. At least they are transparent about it.

Make my cost $2 more and give the kid some certainty for gods sake.

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