
Effects of Open Floor Plan – Study?

Hi, I work in an open floor plan and my cube is right on the corner of the row, so all day long people are work literally like peeping over my cube to look at me while I am working. It pushes my anixety through the roof. I am trying to talk to my manager about these cubical extension plastic piece HR has but not our department. Does anyone have a source of the study about how unhealthy that is? I remember reading it here once before.

Hi, I work in an open floor plan and my cube is right on the corner of the row, so all day long people are work literally like peeping over my cube to look at me while I am working. It pushes my anixety through the roof.

I am trying to talk to my manager about these cubical extension plastic piece HR has but not our department.

Does anyone have a source of the study about how unhealthy that is? I remember reading it here once before.

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