
either strong laws and regulations or unions in mass

I've been watching stuff go down for a long time. I've seen both political parties bicker…. I've seen Republicans preach no regulation and trickle down economy….about how regulation hurts companies (Democrats have a whole other load of problems, neither party is good we need them abolished but that's neither here more there). Point is all that stuff is bs, corporations are not people, they do not do the right thing, they will not do the right thing as that isn't as profitable, and ceos would rather get their big paydays. At this point one of 2 things need to happen. We either need a rework of our labor laws, force them to give PTO in actual amounts, mandate if they are allowed to contact us on our off hours (they shouldn't be allowed to), actual adapting minimum wage, pay caps, etc and make the fines come not from the company…

I've been watching stuff go down for a long time. I've seen both political parties bicker…. I've seen Republicans preach no regulation and trickle down economy….about how regulation hurts companies (Democrats have a whole other load of problems, neither party is good we need them abolished but that's neither here more there).

Point is all that stuff is bs, corporations are not people, they do not do the right thing, they will not do the right thing as that isn't as profitable, and ceos would rather get their big paydays.

At this point one of 2 things need to happen. We either need a rework of our labor laws, force them to give PTO in actual amounts, mandate if they are allowed to contact us on our off hours (they shouldn't be allowed to), actual adapting minimum wage, pay caps, etc and make the fines come not from the company as a whole but from ceos pay and especially bonuses. They get caught fucking up and ceo or someone high up knew? Company gets a fine, CEO gets his own special large fine and forfeits his bonuses.

Now I know what's going to be said “but won't someone think of the corporations profit margins?” No…they are making record profits, and they can all afford to take realistic profit margins, and stop blowing their profits on stock buy backs.

If we don't do this then mass unions are needed. If the government will not hold work places accountable then it is up to the people to hold them accountable and force their hands… Not all employers are bad, I've landed at a good one, but let's face it, Walmart and Amazon are here to screw the worker, most corporations are here to tell you you are wrong for wanting time off. Hell most use temp workers in mass to avoid benefits and or scrape around rules.

Those are the only 2 ways I see to make this work any more and at this point the first would be best but in reality our political are too far in corporations pockets to do it….so they should step aside and let us do it.

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