
email i sent to my manager, COO, and HR after they denied my sexual harassment claim

I would like to request that the following response statement be filed added to the records for this claim. This has been a really eye opening process for me. I enjoyed working for (company) and thought the management and staff were supportive and committed to the well-being of its employees. It has been extremely disappointing to find out, over the process of this sexual harassment claim, that that is not actually true. I felt comfortable enough with M (COO) to discuss it personally with him. His response was incredibly belittling, saying things like “Since this isn't too egregious, there's no need to blow this out of proportion” before dismissing me. There seemed to be no accountability for what happened and the focus was on what T did right (not continuing to ask about it). There was no compassion or empathy for the discomfort, stress and shame of the situation. When…

I would like to request that the following response statement be filed added to the records for this claim.
This has been a really eye opening process for me. I enjoyed working for (company) and thought the management and staff were supportive and committed to the well-being of its employees. It has been extremely disappointing to find out, over the process of this sexual harassment claim, that that is not actually true.
I felt comfortable enough with M (COO) to discuss it personally with him. His response was incredibly belittling, saying things like “Since this isn't too egregious, there's no need to blow this out of proportion” before dismissing me. There seemed to be no accountability for what happened and the focus was on what T did right (not continuing to ask about it). There was no compassion or empathy for the discomfort, stress and shame of the situation.
When I spoke with R (my manager) about this, the only things addressed were the fact that Tanner did not continue to ask or pressure me to do something. He let me know that they told T that his actions were not consensual. I asked if they had also told him his behavior was inappropriate for the workplace in general regardless of consent, but the question was never answered, which makes me think that that was not actually communicated to him.
My issue is less with the result of the investigation and more with the way the claim was handled in general. However, in the new hire paperwork I have attached to this email, it is stated that “A single act of harassment may be sufficiently severe to be unlawful.” After the original incident and the subsequent investigation, coming into work has become something I dread, knowing, not only that I will have to work around Tanner, but also around R and M, who were so dismissive of my claim and feelings. I used to look forward to coming into work but now there is so much anxiety surrounding it both before and during my shifts.
I sincerely hope (company) does not consider itself a company that supports and cares for its female employees, as unfortunately that does not seem to be the case.
I want to make it clear that I am not quitting, just incredibly disappointed in the company.
M and R did not think what T did was out of bounds, or even a big deal, but as a woman in the workplace this sends the message that male employees are free to sexualize and make demeaning and inappropriate comments to female employees just as long as they stop when asked to.

HR’s response:

I have included your statement with your file. Please note, we have taken steps to correct the unwanted behaviors of T, as stated in my previous email. Additionally, T was informed that his actions were not appropriate, as well as they were unwelcomed, and are not to continue.

Please do not hesitate to reach out if there is further incident.

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