
Employee resigns and posts criticism of agency – manager tries to get employee fired from new job

This wasn’t me, but a friend who I worked with briefly. My friend (let’s call her Molly) put in her two weeks notice at our employer a few months ago. She had another job lined up and was already hired and ready to start. Before Molly left, she posted some criticism on social media about the agency. The agency we work for heavily monitors their public perception and social media presence. Someone brought her post to leadership, and a very high up employee told Molly that she would be contacting her new employer and try to discourage them from moving forward with hiring her. Molly was shocked but unsure what to do, as she was notified this was happening on her last day. This supervisor DID contact her new employer and DID have a conversation about Mollys work ethic and attempted to discredit her. They were unsuccessful and Molly kept…

This wasn’t me, but a friend who I worked with briefly.

My friend (let’s call her Molly) put in her two weeks notice at our employer a few months ago. She had another job lined up and was already hired and ready to start. Before Molly left, she posted some criticism on social media about the agency. The agency we work for heavily monitors their public perception and social media presence. Someone brought her post to leadership, and a very high up employee told Molly that she would be contacting her new employer and try to discourage them from moving forward with hiring her. Molly was shocked but unsure what to do, as she was notified this was happening on her last day.

This supervisor DID contact her new employer and DID have a conversation about Mollys work ethic and attempted to discredit her. They were unsuccessful and Molly kept her new job.

I’m just wondering how legal this is? I am in America, I know our laws and government are shit. But having a person who is very high up in a company go out of their way to make sure Molly wouldn’t be hired anywhere is highly disturbing to me.


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