
Employer advertised and verbally agreed to an amount, official offer $2/h less – what can she do about it?

This isn’t my firsthand experience, but a friend of mine’s daughter got a job somewhere that advertised $18 an hour – a lot to her. Advertised as $18 with an asterisk, confirmed verbally as $18 during interviews. Officially paperwork says $16.25 or something. She’s going to end up just taking it, but she’s understandably pissed. What do people even do in these situations? Obviously talk to the management and ask what happened, but when they give some flippant excuse then what? I’m just frustrated on her behalf. Like what young adult in college wouldn’t still take $16 an hour right now, of course she will. But there’s no way to reprimand an employer for tactfully lying without screwing up the opportunity. Is there anything that can be done or do they hold all the cards as usual? US, California, btw. I assume there’s some way to file some toothless complaint…

This isn’t my firsthand experience, but a friend of mine’s daughter got a job somewhere that advertised $18 an hour – a lot to her. Advertised as $18 with an asterisk, confirmed verbally as $18 during interviews. Officially paperwork says $16.25 or something.

She’s going to end up just taking it, but she’s understandably pissed. What do people even do in these situations? Obviously talk to the management and ask what happened, but when they give some flippant excuse then what? I’m just frustrated on her behalf. Like what young adult in college wouldn’t still take $16 an hour right now, of course she will. But there’s no way to reprimand an employer for tactfully lying without screwing up the opportunity.

Is there anything that can be done or do they hold all the cards as usual? US, California, btw. I assume there’s some way to file some toothless complaint that will disappear into the void.

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