
Employer bitching about me not giving 4 week notice but already advertised to replace me today

I put in my 2 week notice last week, as per minimum requirement according to the General Retail Industry Award (AU). They made a big deal about me not giving a 4 week notice because that is what the contract states and I had to follow the requirements in the contract. I got legal advice from a lawyer and they said they the 4 week notice in their contract is not enforceable because an employee is still protected by the designated Award, regardless if they have signed a contract. I just relished in the fact that they couldn't do anything about it because a 2 week notice is the minimum requirement under the legislation which they couldn't supersede or override. I honestly could have gotten away with not giving notice too according to to the lawyer. It seems like it doesnt affect them anyway, as much as they bitched &…

I put in my 2 week notice last week, as per minimum requirement according to the General Retail Industry Award (AU). They made a big deal about me not giving a 4 week notice because that is what the contract states and I had to follow the requirements in the contract.

I got legal advice from a lawyer and they said they the 4 week notice in their contract is not enforceable because an employee is still protected by the designated Award, regardless if they have signed a contract.

I just relished in the fact that they couldn't do anything about it because a 2 week notice is the minimum requirement under the legislation which they couldn't supersede or override.
I honestly could have gotten away with not giving notice too according to to the lawyer. It seems like it doesnt affect them anyway, as much as they bitched & moaned another it because they have already advertised for my role a week after I put in my notice.

I start a new job in 2 weeks that has much better pay and a definite upgrade! Know your rights, peeps!!

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