
Employer cut my pay & hours for “training” but isn’t actually training me

I just received a huge cut in pay & hours because my manager says I need more training. I was given a detailed training packet outlining the goals of each training shift, but when I show up, I am just doing the regular work without supervision or training of any kind. When I asked my manager about the training schedule, she had no idea what I was talking about. (This is the same manager who gave me the training schedule). Are they allowed to just arbitrarily say they’re “training” me when what they’ve really done is change my position and cut my wage?

I just received a huge cut in pay & hours because my manager says I need more training. I was given a detailed training packet outlining the goals of each training shift, but when I show up, I am just doing the regular work without supervision or training of any kind. When I asked my manager about the training schedule, she had no idea what I was talking about. (This is the same manager who gave me the training schedule).

Are they allowed to just arbitrarily say they’re “training” me when what they’ve really done is change my position and cut my wage?

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