
Employer cut wages and retroactively deducted wages from paycheck

I discussed with HR that i thought i was being overpaid hourly on the phone which I was. I was told they were sending an email out and would hear back later now I look at my recent paystub 2 months after this conversation and have received a dollar an hour pay cut and have gotten deductions retroactively for the wages I earned. Before anyone comes at me, I get I am not entitled to the overpayment but I do feel entitled to receiving at least some notice before I realize I cant pay my rent and other bills, I made $2500 and I'm only getting $316. does this warrant filing a complaint with Federal department of labor or Illinois department of labor?

I discussed with HR that i thought i was being overpaid hourly on the phone which I was. I was told they were sending an email out and would hear back later now I look at my recent paystub 2 months after this conversation and have received a dollar an hour pay cut and have gotten deductions retroactively for the wages I earned. Before anyone comes at me, I get I am not entitled to the overpayment but I do feel entitled to receiving at least some notice before I realize I cant pay my rent and other bills, I made $2500 and I'm only getting $316. does this warrant filing a complaint with Federal department of labor or Illinois department of labor?

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