
Employer demands an in depth explanation of what I’ll be doing on my day off to determine if it’s worth it.

So I told him I wouldn't be in a certain day the next week, which was following protocol because the requirement is you have to inform him days in advance so he can plan accordingly. But this time he was asking me to say exactly what I'd be doing. Just told him it was just my own personal stuff. But no, what is it? Because it shouldn't be I need a day off, or I'm going to visit friends or going to a baby shower(his examples). I don't see how it matters where I'll be, all that matters is I wouldn't be in that day. And what's wrong if it was because I had an important function with friends or family? Why should he determine its 'worth'?

So I told him I wouldn't be in a certain day the next week, which was following protocol because the requirement is you have to inform him days in advance so he can plan accordingly.

But this time he was asking me to say exactly what I'd be doing. Just told him it was just my own personal stuff. But no, what is it? Because it shouldn't be I need a day off, or I'm going to visit friends or going to a baby shower(his examples).

I don't see how it matters where I'll be, all that matters is I wouldn't be in that day. And what's wrong if it was because I had an important function with friends or family? Why should he determine its 'worth'?

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