
Employer Lied About Job Being Hybrid

So I have been working at a new job for a little over half a year. When I interviewed I was told the job was a hybrid position with a month in the office and a month out rotation. So far after half a year I have still only been in the office while those around me are all on the hybrid rotation. Even my job description sheet says it is hybrid. I really thought that I had finally found a decent position to work while I finish my masters but everytime I bring up working from home my boss says he has not forgotten about me but does not expand on that any further. Apprantly this job as a 6 month propation period which I think is stupid considering all we do is answer and assist users with networking and server issues . I am considering going to a…

So I have been working at a new job for a little over half a year. When I interviewed I was told the job was a hybrid position with a month in the office and a month out rotation. So far after half a year I have still only been in the office while those around me are all on the hybrid rotation. Even my job description sheet says it is hybrid. I really thought that I had finally found a decent position to work while I finish my masters but everytime I bring up working from home my boss says he has not forgotten about me but does not expand on that any further. Apprantly this job as a 6 month propation period which I think is stupid considering all we do is answer and assist users with networking and server issues . I am considering going to a labor lawyer at this point because I felt I have been lied to about the position.

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