
Employer lied about reason for employment separation to Unemployment Commission, what are my rights?

So I was laid off about 2 months ago. Here’s the deal. My direct supervisor quit and essentially all of the work I was doing went away. I was doing transactional law and the only work left in the office was litigation which I told them I wasn’t interested in and was also not hired for. Anyway, about 3 weeks after my supervisor quit, my boss and another partner come into my office and tell me in these words approximately “the board has discussed it and we have decided that you should take the next month to find a new job” and basically that they didn’t have any work for me to fill my billable time requirements. Ok. Whatever. They even tell me they are happy to help me find a new position, write me a recommendation letter, and that I was going to be given a one month severance.…

So I was laid off about 2 months ago. Here’s the deal.

My direct supervisor quit and essentially all of the work I was doing went away. I was doing transactional law and the only work left in the office was litigation which I told them I wasn’t interested in and was also not hired for. Anyway, about 3 weeks after my supervisor quit, my boss and another partner come into my office and tell me in these words approximately “the board has discussed it and we have decided that you should take the next month to find a new job” and basically that they didn’t have any work for me to fill my billable time requirements. Ok. Whatever. They even tell me they are happy to help me find a new position, write me a recommendation letter, and that I was going to be given a one month severance. That part wasn’t in writing which made me feel super suss, so I typed out that I needed information for the termination process, information for unemployment, etc. which they returned and sent me the final severance in a lump sum.

Fast forward to today, I get a call from the workforce commission saying they need to clear up an “issue”. I’m like wtf?? The lady then proceeds to tell me that their stated reason for termination was misconduct, but that the company hadn’t given any response or evidence as to what the misconduct even was. I was floored. Never once was I given any warning or even an inkling of a notion that I had done anything wrong. My billable time was below required, but 4/4 associates did not meet that requirement and no one else was “fired”.

Ultimately, the lady at the commission said she was taking my word since they didn’t even bother to respond to the inquiry, but dammit I’m pissed. I really want to reach out in writing and find out what the hell happened because this is making me feel like a liar since I told perspective employers I had been laid off, and that my last firm would even recommend me. Now this? Wtf. Anything I should be worried about?

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