
Employer Made his Son come to work while COVID positive. POTENTIALLY

The Employer, has a lot of family working for him. And this month, his son got really sick. I heard that he had COVID, and that he was being forced to stay at work by his owner father. Since then, I've watched three other people go out sick, each one closer and closer to my desk.. Now I am sick with Covid, my wife is sick, my Trainee and her husband is sick, and I am not about to let him tell me I have to work through it like he did his son.. So, I went into his office and held a CALOSHA Shaped Gun to his head. Said “I need covid exclusion pay, and all the covid tests you can muster! Hand em over, nice and easy like” Now my boss is a forever trumpr… He literally said “Those $5 Tests from 7-11 that you can test positive…

The Employer, has a lot of family working for him.
And this month, his son got really sick. I heard that he had COVID, and that he was being forced to stay at work by his owner father.

Since then, I've watched three other people go out sick, each one closer and closer to my desk..
Now I am sick with Covid, my wife is sick, my Trainee and her husband is sick, and I am not about to let him tell me I have to work through it like he did his son..
I went into his office and held a CALOSHA Shaped Gun to his head.

“I need covid exclusion pay, and all the covid tests you can muster! Hand em over, nice and easy like”

Now my boss is a forever trumpr… He literally said “Those $5 Tests from 7-11 that you can test positive by squirting lemon juice on”??
If that says your positive then I have to believe that? “

I Pointed to cal OSHA regulations and guidelines and said..
“Uh Yes you do”

Our conversation was fairly more heated than this, but i just wanted to say… It's a shame that I have to fight so hard for my rights as an an employee in California. Especially when my employer has mishandled an outbreak of COVID.

If you or somebody you know has been affected by COVID 19 IN CALIFORNIA. Please read your Local COVID Guidelines and ensure your employer is meeting their duty to maintain and promote a safe and healthy work environment.

I have an autoimmune disorder and my job is NOT worth dying for. I work making somebody else's money.
This isnt worth it.

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