
Employer redistributes credit card tips among waitstaff. Is this typical/legal?

I am a beertender at a brewery. I am paid $2/hr plus cash and credit tips. We split cash tips evenly at the end of our shift with any other tender we shared that shift with. Credit card tips, however, seem more complicated— they are lumped in our bimonthly paychecks, with no breakdown of which shifts generated how many credit card tips. They are also split among everyone according to the hours they worked during that two weeks, regardless of how many tips were actually earned during our shift. Furthermore, is also no way to know how much in credit card tips were made during our shifts. Other staff have told me that the rationale is so that everyone, regardless whether or not you worked slow shift, can benefit, and that the “equal” redistribution of tips fosters a teamwork mindset and reduces competition for certain shifts. Tl;dr is it typical…

I am a beertender at a brewery. I am paid $2/hr plus cash and credit tips. We split cash tips evenly at the end of our shift with any other tender we shared that shift with.

Credit card tips, however, seem more complicated— they are lumped in our bimonthly paychecks, with no breakdown of which shifts generated how many credit card tips. They are also split among everyone according to the hours they worked during that two weeks, regardless of how many tips were actually earned during our shift. Furthermore, is also no way to know how much in credit card tips were made during our shifts.

Other staff have told me that the rationale is so that everyone, regardless whether or not you worked slow shift, can benefit, and that the “equal” redistribution of tips fosters a teamwork mindset and reduces competition for certain shifts.

Tl;dr is it typical or even legal to withhold information about all the tips earned during an individual employees’ shift? Feels like I’m being shorted of money I earned on my shifts.

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