
Employer scheduled my kid for 51 hour shift and threatened to fire me if I refused to work it

So the new weeks schedule came out today and my employer scheduled my daughter for 72 hours, 51 of which are without a break. When she complained about it and asked how that will be possible he said they'd find someone else to do it if she can't. They refuse to acknowledge overtime laws in New Jersey and insist that because the shifts are for three separate departments it's alright. She's afraid to not work the shifts because they'll fire her but it's impossible. It's 6am to 2 pm serving. 2:01pm to 9pm at front desk. 9:01 pm to 5:59 am overnight security. Repeat for 2 1/2 days, have a 4 hour break then work a double.

So the new weeks schedule came out today and my employer scheduled my daughter for 72 hours, 51 of which are without a break. When she complained about it and asked how that will be possible he said they'd find someone else to do it if she can't.

They refuse to acknowledge overtime laws in New Jersey and insist that because the shifts are for three separate departments it's alright. She's afraid to not work the shifts because they'll fire her but it's impossible.

It's 6am to 2 pm serving.
2:01pm to 9pm at front desk.
9:01 pm to 5:59 am overnight security.
Repeat for 2 1/2 days, have a 4 hour break then work a double.

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