
Employer stealing tips from kids

I’m 16 and started working at a restaurant in Virginia a year ago. When I started I electronically signed an agreement that did not once mention anything about tips just that I’d get $8/h and would receive bonuses etc. when applicable. I assumed we got tips regardless, per law and principal. Well the entire time of working there neither me nor my coworkers have received tips of any kind despite the large amounts the establishment receives. We have also never really received bonuses of any kind. When asked about it the first time he mentioned a tip credit but never really explained it. Then when I asked him about it last week and provided the exact laws in the Fair Labor Standards Act, he effectively terminated me and did not give a straight answer. He even threatened to provide the agreement in a court of law. What are my legal…

I’m 16 and started working at a restaurant in Virginia a year ago. When I started I electronically signed an agreement that did not once mention anything about tips just that I’d get $8/h and would receive bonuses etc. when applicable. I assumed we got tips regardless, per law and principal. Well the entire time of working there neither me nor my coworkers have received tips of any kind despite the large amounts the establishment receives. We have also never really received bonuses of any kind. When asked about it the first time he mentioned a tip credit but never really explained it. Then when I asked him about it last week and provided the exact laws in the Fair Labor Standards Act, he effectively terminated me and did not give a straight answer. He even threatened to provide the agreement in a court of law. What are my legal rights here? And how should I proceed to report/recover lost money?

Side note he almost exclusively hires children often without work permits and performs a fair amount of other illegal practices.

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