
Employer taking tips

I work at a small ice cream place in a touristy town in Colorado. I'm still a college student and supported by my parents, though every penny certainly helps. When I first started working here, I saw an immediate red flag. They make everyone who works in the ice cream store also work in the retail store next door, for the same minimum wage. However, you don't get tipped for this time. I ignored this, because I liked the idea of being close to where I work and the campus. The tips are pooled and given out on Friday of every week. I pretty quickly noticed that tips were lower than how much we would make every day. So I asked the GM about it. He assured me that tips weren't capped or taken from us. Now here's the kicker, the other day the GM pulled me into the back…

I work at a small ice cream place in a touristy town in Colorado. I'm still a college student and supported by my parents, though every penny certainly helps.

When I first started working here, I saw an immediate red flag. They make everyone who works in the ice cream store also work in the retail store next door, for the same minimum wage. However, you don't get tipped for this time. I ignored this, because I liked the idea of being close to where I work and the campus.

The tips are pooled and given out on Friday of every week. I pretty quickly noticed that tips were lower than how much we would make every day. So I asked the GM about it. He assured me that tips weren't capped or taken from us.

Now here's the kicker, the other day the GM pulled me into the back room and told me they were actually capped, and it was because the store doesn't make money in the winter time.

Obviously I plan on quitting soon, but in the meantime I want to know if there is any way I can make the owners of this store either change this policy, or better, make it so they have to close down.

Any advice is appreciated.

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