
Employer threatening to change clock out times

Basically had a meeting today about time stuff since work is down by 60-75% company wide. Normal stuff like people taking 5-15 minutes extra on breaks was brought up. Then the boss says if you finish cleaning up and stand around for more then the final 5 minutes that they'll change our clock out time from 5am to whenever they see or hear we were standing around. Now I know rolling it back to 4:52 is illegal as it cuts 15 minutes of pay. But they have a dumb point system where if you punch out even 1 second early you get 0.25 points. Go over 9 points and you get fired. So if they would roll it back to 4:54, you still get paid til 5, but is it illegal then? They also have incentives tied to hoirs worked and taking that 15 minutes could cost someone almost$ $100…

Basically had a meeting today about time stuff since work is down by 60-75% company wide. Normal stuff like people taking 5-15 minutes extra on breaks was brought up. Then the boss says if you finish cleaning up and stand around for more then the final 5 minutes that they'll change our clock out time from 5am to whenever they see or hear we were standing around.

Now I know rolling it back to 4:52 is illegal as it cuts 15 minutes of pay. But they have a dumb point system where if you punch out even 1 second early you get 0.25 points. Go over 9 points and you get fired. So if they would roll it back to 4:54, you still get paid til 5, but is it illegal then? They also have incentives tied to hoirs worked and taking that 15 minutes could cost someone almost$ $100 that week.

Personally I always got done at like 4:50, so now I just spend an extra few mins pretending before I close up my machine.

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