
Employer wants me to ignore union and labour laws and work for free.

Backstory – I have been working at a manufacturing plant for almost 5 years. About 3 years ago, the company posted a paid apprenticeship position which I applied for along with a few other employees. After an aptitude test and an interview it was decided that I was the best candidate and I was awarded the apprenticeship and began working as a maintenance technician. This was right at the start of COVID so I was forced to wait until this year to begin my schooling. There were never any real issues with my employment and my performance reviews have always been very good. With my position I'm required to work rotating shifts (2 weeks aft/days) which I knew going into it. Before my schooling started there were never any discussions about how my schooling (1 day a week) and work would be balanced until a week before I had to…

Backstory – I have been working at a manufacturing plant for almost 5 years. About 3 years ago, the company posted a paid apprenticeship position which I applied for along with a few other employees. After an aptitude test and an interview it was decided that I was the best candidate and I was awarded the apprenticeship and began working as a maintenance technician. This was right at the start of COVID so I was forced to wait until this year to begin my schooling. There were never any real issues with my employment and my performance reviews have always been very good.

With my position I'm required to work rotating shifts (2 weeks aft/days) which I knew going into it. Before my schooling started there were never any discussions about how my schooling (1 day a week) and work would be balanced until a week before I had to switch to afternoons after starting school. I'd asked my supervisor and the plant supervisor what was going to happen and how they wanted to approach it as this isn't something they do too often. This lead to a meeting between the 3 of us where they told me what my schedule was going to be

  • while on day shift, I go to school and go home after. Paid for the full day

  • while on afternoons, I go to school. Then go to work after for 4 hours. Only paid for the 4 hours I'm there.

In the meeting I told them both that it doesn't sit well with me as that forces me to have an 18 hour day on Mondays and only getting paid for 4 days. Neither of them cared to listen to me and just kept saying “this is how we did it before” (last apprentice was in 2013). I repeated that this was going to be an 18 hour day to them and they just shrugged and repeated themselves with no other reason given. After the meeting I spoke to a union rep and asked about my rights. I'd also asked if I could stagger my rotation so I could have a week with one of my coworkers and a week with the other. Both licensed in their trades but one of them is my age, recently graduated, better English, and a much better teacher. Whereas the other is still experienced but he obviously can't be bothered to teach me. The former is who I am told I have to always work with.

I should mention that I'm not the only apprentice in the plant as there are other departments with apprentices and they are all on straight days and paid for the full day, every day they're in school.

So fast forward to yesterday, I came into work and immediately got pulled into the office where both supervisors and my rep were waiting. After pointing out several hipocrisies told me I have 3 options. Option one, nothing changes. Option 2, I get Mondays off but I'm not paid for school, or option 3, cancel the apprenticeship. It was obvious at this point they did not respect my time or my well being and just wanted their way or the highway. We agreed on option 2.

My union rep then asked about why I have to rotate with one guy and not the other. She asked what I am learning from him. She then immitated him walking slowly with his hands behind his back and stating that she only ever sees him doing that. My supervisor the blew up and after the meeting ran out the door and told my coworker that I'd complained about him, which I never did. Now both my boss and coworker are mad at me. My boss for standing up for myself and my coworker for thinking I'd complained about him.

Today I decided to look into the union rules and labour laws, which I should have done sooner, to find that they're in breach of both as it states in our book that any time spent in training that is required for the position will be paid. With another section at the back of the book specifically for my apprenticeship stating that any time spent in school is to be paid.

Now I'm sitting here in the washroom typing this wondering if I want to try to stick it out for 5 more years to finish this apprenticeship. Or cut my losses and try to get in somewhere else. My boss is a hothead that goes into any discussion half cocked and not willing to lose or admit he's wrong. My coworker is barely talking to me and now I'm definitely not gonna learn a damn Thing. on-top of it all, in the union book it states the company can “terminate the apprenticeship at any time”

At one point in the meeting I'd asked WHY I need to work those 4 hours and not get paid for the day and was told it's “to show commitment to the company” and to recover money spent on sending me to school… Which they agreed to pay themselves.

Tldr: got an apprenticeship, employer expects me to forgo my rights and work for free to show “commitment” to the company.

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