
Employers lied about salary so I purposefully ruined the interview

Before working at my current job(which also sucks)I applied to work at a gas station since it's a 10 minute walk away, I went in, asked to apply and they told me to go through their website and all that stuff. Found out the salary was 15$ an hour and thought I could work with it. When the time came to do the interview she mentioned benefits early on and we somehow landed on the topic of salary. Apparently the hourly pay wasn't 15$, but 11. I wasn't happy at the fact that I was lied to and she tried to justify it with “good benefits”. So I purposefully ruined the interview by being as vulgar and passive aggressive as possible. Was it petty? Perhaps, but I didn't appreciate having my time wasted so I decided to waste a bit of theirs. Q:”Where do you see yourself in 5 years?”…

Before working at my current job(which also sucks)I applied to work at a gas station since it's a 10 minute walk away, I went in, asked to apply and they told me to go through their website and all that stuff. Found out the salary was 15$ an hour and thought I could work with it.
When the time came to do the interview she mentioned benefits early on and we somehow landed on the topic of salary. Apparently the hourly pay wasn't 15$, but 11. I wasn't happy at the fact that I was lied to and she tried to justify it with “good benefits”. So I purposefully ruined the interview by being as vulgar and passive aggressive as possible. Was it petty? Perhaps, but I didn't appreciate having my time wasted so I decided to waste a bit of theirs.

Q:”Where do you see yourself in 5 years?”
A:”Won the lottery and I'm doing better than working here”
Q:”Tell me a bit about yourself”
A:”I'm lazy, I hate people, my social skills suck, I'm a pervert and I have a short attention span”
Q:”Why would you like to work here?”
A:”Because working here would be slightly better than being homeless”

The whole time she had a look of concern and disgust and near the end I said the job wasn't for me and left. Might sound extremely childish and immature, I know many would say that wasn't very professional of me, but to be quite honest I don't care. The first and biggest red flag was that significant lie, the second was that every month I see a new person working there, the third and final flag was that we had the interview in a closet.

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