
Employers: My beard is a compliment.

I (33m) work from home, mostly full time. My boss isn't much into the working remote way of things. He believes in a face to face conversation and he wants to see our faces daily on an 11 o'clock meet up via a teams meeting. I'm super introverted and really enjoy staying at home and my privacy so I can't be bothered to turn on my camera half the time. But when I'm forced to turn on my cam there's always some comment about my appearance or clothing. I always work in jeans and a t-shirt but when I know I have to turn on my camera I keep a button up shirt in my office that I throw on real quick. But when I'm on-camera it's either my beard is to scraggly, my shirt isn't pressed enough or my hair isn't perfectly combed. Aligned with some arbitrary society rule…

I (33m) work from home, mostly full time. My boss isn't much into the working remote way of things. He believes in a face to face conversation and he wants to see our faces daily on an 11 o'clock meet up via a teams meeting. I'm super introverted and really enjoy staying at home and my privacy so I can't be bothered to turn on my camera half the time. But when I'm forced to turn on my cam there's always some comment about my appearance or clothing. I always work in jeans and a t-shirt but when I know I have to turn on my camera I keep a button up shirt in my office that I throw on real quick. But when I'm on-camera it's either my beard is to scraggly, my shirt isn't pressed enough or my hair isn't perfectly combed. Aligned with some arbitrary society rule that I have to follow a certain appearance code.

I do take care of myself but I'm at home. I'm not going to comb my hair and trim my beard every week. My shirt isn't always pressed, and sometimes I get the bacon strip collar thing going on. Sometimes I'm lucky to just roll out of bed and straight to the computer. But you know what? That's the greatest compliment I could possibly give a job. I'm comfortable, I'm not looking after my appearance, meaning I'm not off somewhere interviewing for a new position where I might want to shave and look my best.

That said, it's been one comment too many. I shaved today, got a haircut, pressed my shirt. Now wish me luck in my job interview today. At least my boss will see that I'll look really good in my next 11 o'clock meeting.

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