
Employers providing funds/time off for abortions is great, but…

We already have to fight tooth and nail for the most basic PTO requests as it is and work in an economy that actively discouraged taking any form of sick leave and requires us to craft the most detailed stories to legitimize using time off that is our own by right. Now think about any of your current/former bosses and imagine having to ask them for permission and likely having to provide them with proof that you need an abortion to get this assistance? What a new indignity and violation of privacy that birthing people are forced to endure because of this decision.

We already have to fight tooth and nail for the most basic PTO requests as it is and work in an economy that actively discouraged taking any form of sick leave and requires us to craft the most detailed stories to legitimize using time off that is our own by right.

Now think about any of your current/former bosses and imagine having to ask them for permission and likely having to provide them with proof that you need an abortion to get this assistance?

What a new indignity and violation of privacy that birthing people are forced to endure because of this decision.

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