
Employers – your employees could get more done in a few days, or weeks, than they have in years if you create an environment that promotes utilizing real insights.

I have seen businesses and organizations languish for years because decision-makers aren't making the most of the talent and skills available to them. Create options for people to be able to discuss their knowledge, and consider how people might help the business or organization be more successful. This could be in confidential settings or in small meetings. Bullying and harsh criticism don't accomplish much, it just creates more problems.

I have seen businesses and organizations languish for years because decision-makers aren't making the most of the talent and skills available to them. Create options for people to be able to discuss their knowledge, and consider how people might help the business or organization be more successful. This could be in confidential settings or in small meetings. Bullying and harsh criticism don't accomplish much, it just creates more problems.

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