
Employment policies and local laws affect your life more than federal law. We need to apply constitutional protections to the workplace.

We all pay so much attention to what happens on federal level, but forget that local laws, regulations and even policies affect us a lot more and on daily basis. Case in point: you interact with your employer every workday for several hours, how often do you deal with federal government? And yet, employees and their livelihoods are largely at the mercy of employers. Some would argue that federal laws like the Constitution are a lot more fundamental and it's true, but if you can take someone's livelihood away on a whim, you don't need to take away constitutional “protections” to be able to persecute people. Literally all you have to do is let employer know that a person is “under investigation” for something and they get fired. Even without federal government involvement, your employer can walk all over your constitutional rights. Try saying something political that your bosses or…

We all pay so much attention to what happens on federal level, but forget that local laws, regulations and even policies affect us a lot more and on daily basis.

Case in point: you interact with your employer every workday for several hours, how often do you deal with federal government? And yet, employees and their livelihoods are largely at the mercy of employers. Some would argue that federal laws like the Constitution are a lot more fundamental and it's true, but if you can take someone's livelihood away on a whim, you don't need to take away constitutional “protections” to be able to persecute people. Literally all you have to do is let employer know that a person is “under investigation” for something and they get fired.

Even without federal government involvement, your employer can walk all over your constitutional rights. Try saying something political that your bosses or colleagues don't like and see what happens. People get fired over Facebook posts.

We need to strengthen employees at work by extending constitutional protections to the workplace. After all, Constitution is not something abstract that exists only for rare cases. It is literally the Law of the Land, so should apply 24/7. Otherwise, it's not worth the paper it's written on.

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