
EMT’s/Paramedics are seriously underpaid. Very underpaid

I’m in college, trying to get into medical school. They recommend you get clinical experience to have a better chance of getting in, so I decided to become an EMT to make some money and get clinical hours And man, EMT’s are ridiculously underpaid. I make $11. I live in a city with a low cost of living, but it’s still a small amount. Most entry level jobs in my area pay $9-10. And I mean true entry level. I honestly have to spend 1/5 of my income on gas alone You might think they pay goes up with experience, and it does, but only like $3. I’m serious, an EMT I know that has been working there for 5 years make $14. And I believe that’s the cap pay And it’s no better for Paramedics. A paramedic with years of experience makes like $19-20 an hour Not only do…

I’m in college, trying to get into medical school. They recommend you get clinical experience to have a better chance of getting in, so I decided to become an EMT to make some money and get clinical hours

And man, EMT’s are ridiculously underpaid. I make $11. I live in a city with a low cost of living, but it’s still a small amount. Most entry level jobs in my area pay $9-10. And I mean true entry level. I honestly have to spend 1/5 of my income on gas alone

You might think they pay goes up with experience, and it does, but only like $3. I’m serious, an EMT I know that has been working there for 5 years make $14. And I believe that’s the cap pay

And it’s no better for Paramedics. A paramedic with years of experience makes like $19-20 an hour

Not only do we get shit ambulances, shit shifts, and shitty treatment from dispatch, but we get paid nothing too

I tried getting a $1000 1 bedroom apartment and didn’t qualify bc of income. I work FULL TIME. Btw, the company I work for is one of the best companies to work for in my city. So it actually gets shittier

EMS is so important and workers get treated like shit. You might think the $2000 ambulance ride would pay it’s workers a living wage

No wonder people don’t typically last more than 5 years

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