
Enough with the posts about office/boss gifts. Grow a backbone, tell them it’s not in your budget and they should go buy their own gift.

Seriously, enough… Your boss that’s a lawyer, doctor, CEO, whatever the fuck their title is, they can afford their own shit. They probably don’t even know your name or who you even are. Forget about “looking odd” or “feeling bad” or thinking someone will think less of you. Maybe this bullshit of not being able to speak up that you can’t afford a gift when you can barely afford to feed yourself needs to be said out loud. Fuck them all, every single one and all the rest who bow down to pitch in… fuck them too…

Seriously, enough… Your boss that’s a lawyer, doctor, CEO, whatever the fuck their title is, they can afford their own shit. They probably don’t even know your name or who you even are. Forget about “looking odd” or “feeling bad” or thinking someone will think less of you. Maybe this bullshit of not being able to speak up that you can’t afford a gift when you can barely afford to feed yourself needs to be said out loud. Fuck them all, every single one and all the rest who bow down to pitch in… fuck them too…

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